The Quality Enhancement Plan is a document developed by the institution that (1) includes a process identifying key issues emerging from institutional assessment, (2) focuses on student learning and/or student success, (3) demonstrates institutional capability for the initiation, implementation, and completion of the QEP, (4) includes broad-based involvement of institutional constituencies in the development and proposed implementation of the QEP, and (5) identifies goals and a plan to assess their achievement.
OKTA Single Sign On Portal
- https://wiregrass.okta.com (OKTA is the preferred method of accessing Wiregrass accounts)
NOTE: Users may not have access to Okta outside of the United States of America without using a VPN. For more information, contact the IT department at ithelpdesk@wiregrass.edu or 229-293-6240.
Direct Links if Needed:
- Banner Forms: Single Sign-on (SSO)
- BannerWeb
- Blackboard
- IT Self Service Portal
- Maxient
- Navigate-Staff
- WGTC Office 365 Webmail
- Wiregrass Assist
- Wiregrass Assist Annual Budget Request and Approval Process
- Wiregrass Assist Inventory Verification Instructions PDF format
- Wiregrass Assist Staff Development Instructional Video
Submissions and Work Order Forms
- Events Calendar – Submit events to be added to the Wiregrass Calendar for Students. This form will also place the event in Navigate and allow for emails/texts to be sent.
- ENR: TargetX Event Creation Request – Use this form to request creation of TargetX events.
- Maintenance Work Orders – Submit maintenance requests through this form for things such as lighting, event set-up, cleaning needs, etc. You must have a BuildingEngines login and password.
- PR/Marketing: Creative Requests – Submit creative requests to the PR and Marketing Department to have images or documents created for your department. Allow a minimum of 1-2 weeks.
- PR/Marketing: Requests for Social Media, Pictures, or Press Releases – Submit requests to have the PR and Marketing team at your event to take pictures, prepare social media posts, or press releases. Allow a minimum of 3-5 days.
- PR/Marketing: Website Update Requests – Submit requests to have the WGTC website updated or to approve content/documents for accessibility. Allow a minimum of 48 hours.
- PR/Marketing: Media Accessibility Requests – Submit requests to have documents and other media checked for compliance with WCAG standards. Allow a minimum of 48 hours.
- HR: Directory Update Requests – Submit requests to have the WGTC Directory updated. Allow a minimum of 48 hours.
Student Conduct and Grade Appeal Forms Quick Links
- Student Conduct Complaint Form – Credit Students
- Student Conduct Complaint Form – Adult Education Students
- Academic Grade Appeal
- Student Disciplinary Sanction Appeal Form
Additional Employee Links
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Calendar (PDF)
- Dual Enrollment and Concurrent Enrollment Faculty Guide
- Faculty Handbook
- Human Resources
- PeopleSoft
- To login, use your 8-digit GA ID for the USER ID.
- If this is your first time to login, use your Social Security number as PASSWORD (no dashes).
- Once logged in, create a new password and answer security questions.
- WGTC Employee Intranet
- WGTC Northern Facilities Rental Request
- WGTC Valdosta Facilities Rental Request