Course Catalog

Business Management, Degree (MD13)  Degree

Campus Locations: Valdosta, Ben Hill Irwin, Online, Coffee

The Business Management program is designed to prepare students for entry into management and supervisory occupations in a variety of businesses and industries. Learning opportunities will introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement in management. Graduates of the program receive a Business Management degree with a specialization in General Management, Small Business Management, Service Sector Management, Operations Management, or Human Resource Management.

Curriculum: Graduates will develop skills in planning and decision-making, establishing goals and identifying the best course of action to achieve them. They will learn to implement organizational policies for recruiting, interviewing, orienting, training, and assessing performance. They will apply leadership theories to create a supportive and ethical work environment, organize resources to implement plans effectively and efficiently, and measure performance to take corrective actions ensuring goals and objectives are accomplished.

Careers: Business Management Positions in General Management, Service Sector Management, Human Resource Management, General and Operations Manager

Length of Program: 5 Terms

Curriculum Outline (63 hours)
General Core Courses 15
Area I - Language Arts/Communication (3 Hours) 3
ENGL 1101

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Degree Level Reading and Writing Scores Co-requisite(s): None Explores the analysis of literature and articles about issues in the humanities and in society. Students practice various modes of writing, ranging from exposition to argumentation and persuasion. The course includes a review of standard grammatical and stylistic usage in proofreading and editing. An introduction to library resources lays the foundation for research. Topics include writing analysis and practice, revision, and research. Students write a research paper using library resources and using a formatting and documentation style appropriate to the purpose and audience.

Area II - Social/Behavior Science – Complete 3 Hours 3
Area III - Natural Sciences/Mathematics - Choose One of the Following (3 Hours) 3
MATH 1100

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Degree Level Math Scores Co-requisite(s): None Emphasizes algebra, statistics, and mathematics of finance. Topics include fundamental operations of algebra, sets and logic, probability and statistics, geometry, mathematics of voting and districting, and mathematics of finance.

MATH 1101

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Degree Level Math Scores Co-requisite(s): None Emphasizes functions using real-world applications as models. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra; functions and graphs; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and models; systems of equations; and optional topics in algebra.

MATH 1111

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Degree Level Math Scores Co-requisite(s): None Emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and systems of equations; optional topics include sequences, series, and probability or analytic geometry.

MATH 1103

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Degree Level Math Scores Co-requisite(s): None This course focuses on quantitative skills and reasoning in the context of experiences that students will be likely to encounter. The course emphasizes processing information in context from a variety of representations, understanding of both the information and the processing, and understanding which conclusions can be reasonably determined. Students will use appropriate technology to enhance mathematical thinking and understanding. Topics covered in this course include: sets and set operations, logic, basic probability, data analysis, linear models, quadratic models, exponential and logarithmic models, geometry, and financial management.

Area IV - Humanities/Fine Arts - Complete 3 Hours 3
General Education Core Elective - Complete 3 Hours 3
Occupational Courses 36
MGMT 1100

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Provisional Admission Co-requisite(s): None Develops skills and behaviors necessary for successful supervision of people and their job responsibilities. Emphasis will be placed on real life concepts, personal skill development, applied knowledge and managing human resources. Course content is intended to help managers and supervisors deal with a dramatically changing workplace being affected by technology changes, a more competitive and global market place, corporate restructuring and the changing nature of work and the workforce. Topics include: Understanding the Managers Job and Work Environment; Building an Effective Organizational Culture; Leading, Directing, and the Application of Authority; Planning, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving; Human Resource Management, Administrative Management, Organizing, and Controlling.

MGMT 1105

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Provides a general knowledge of the human relations aspects of the senior-subordinate workplace environment. Topics include: employee relations principles, problem solving and decision making, leadership techniques to develop employee morale, human values and attitudes, organizational communications, interpersonal communications, and employee conflict.

MGMT 1115

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None This course familiarizes the student with the principles and techniques of sound leadership practices. Topics include: Characteristics of Effective Leadership Styles, History of Leadership, Leadership Models, The Relationship of Power and Leadership, Team Leadership, The Role of Leadership in Effecting Change.

MGMT 1120

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the functions of business in the market system. The student will gain an understanding of the numerous decisions that must be made by managers and owners of businesses. Topics include: the market system, the role of supply and demand, financial management, legal issues in business, employee relations, ethics, and marketing.

MGMT 1125

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Provides students with an overview of business ethics and ethical management practices with emphasis on the process of ethical decision-making and working through contemporary ethical dilemmas faced by business organizations, managers and employees. The course is intended to demonstrate to the students how ethics can be integrated into strategic business decisions and can be applied to their own careers. The course uses a case study approach to encourage the student in developing analytical, problem-solving, critical thinking and decision-making skills. Topics include: An overview of business ethics; moral development and moral reasoning; personal values, rights, and responsibilities; frameworks for ethical decision-making in business; justice and economic distribution; corporations and social responsibility; corporate codes of ethics and effective ethics programs; business and society: consumers and the environment; ethical issues in the workplace; business ethics in a global and multicultural environment; business ethics in cyberspace; and business ethics and the rule of law.

MGMT 2115

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None This course is designed as an overview of the Human Resource Management (HRM) function and of the manager and supervisors role in managing the career cycle from organizational entry to exit. It acquaints the student with the authority, responsibility, functions, and problems of the human resource manager, with an emphasis on developing familiarity with the real world applications required of employers and managers who increasingly are in partnership with HRM generalists and specialists in their organizations. Topics include: strategic human resource management, contemporary issues in HRM: ethics, diversity and globalization; the human resource/supervisor partnership; human resource planning and productivity; job description analysis, development, and design: recruiting, interviewing, and selecting employees; performance management and appraisal systems; employee training and development: disciplinary action and employee rights; employee compensation and benefits; labor relations and employment law; and technology applications in HRM.

MGMT 2125

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Develops an understanding of how fostering employer/employee relationships in the work setting improves work performance. Develops legal counseling and disciplinary techniques to use in various workplace situations. . Topics include: the definitions of coaching, counseling, and discipline; importance of the coaching relationship; implementation of an effective counseling strategy; techniques of effective discipline; and performance evaluation techniques.

MGMT 2215

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): None This course utilizes team methodologies to study the field of management. It encourages students to discuss their perception of management practices which have been studied during the management program. Topics include: current issues and problems in management and supervision and state-of-the-art management and leadership techniques. Students will be put into teams, will work on team projects to demonstrate their understanding of the competencies of this course, and will do peer evaluation. Potential team projects could include authoring a management book covering the competencies, videos, web sites, bulletin boards, and slide presentations amongst others.

COMP 1000

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture -1.667; Lab – 2.667 Pre-Requisites: None Co-Requisite: None This course introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to use computers. Emphasis is placed on basic functions and familiarity with computer use. Topics include introductions to computer and digital terminology and usage, operating systems, Internet and digital communication, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, database applications, and presentation applications. Please note that this course may not transfer to a 4-year institution. Students should check with their transferring institution for transferability of courses. COMP 2000 may be taken in place of COMP 1000 if it is required by a transferring institution.

Choose One of the Following ( 3 Hours) 3
ACCT 1100

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): None Introduces the basic financial accounting concepts of the complete accounting cycle and provides the student with the necessary skills to maintain a set of books for a sole proprietorship. Topics include: accounting vocabulary and concepts, the accounting cycle for a personal service business, the accounting cycle for a merchandising business, inventory, cash control and receivables. Laboratory work demonstrates theory presented in class.

MGMT 1135

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): None The focus of this course is to acquire the skills and concepts necessary to use accounting information in managerial decision making. Course is designed for those who will use, not necessarily prepare, accounting information. Those applications include the use of information for short and long term planning, operational control, investment decisions, cost and pricing products and services. An overview of financial accounting and basic concepts of finance provides an overview of financial statement analysis.

Choose One of the Following ( 3 Hours) 3
MGMT 1110

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Develops a working knowledge of the laws of employment necessary for managers. Topics include: Employment Law, the Courts, Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), Discrimination Law, Selecting Applicants Under the Law, OSHA and Safety, Affirmative Action, At-Will Doctrine, Right to Privacy, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Workers Compensation, Unemployment Compensation, and National Labor Relations Act.

MKTG 1130

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None This course introduces the study of contracts and other legal issues and obligations for businesses. Topics include: creation and evolution of laws, court decision processes, legal business structures, sales contracts, commercial papers, Uniform Commercial Code, and risk-bearing devices.

XXXX xxxx General Education Elective 3
Specializations – Choose One of the Following (12 Hours) 12
81G3 - General Management Specialization (12 Hours) 12
XXXX xxxx General Education Core Elective 6
XXXX xxxx Occupational Elective 6
82H3 - Human Resources Management Specialization (12 hours) 12
MGMT 2120

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Provides a student with an overview of the relationship of rank and file employees to management in business organizations. The nature of the workplace, the economic foundations of work organizations, and the history of the relationship between management and labor is examined. The course acquaints the student with the principles of developing positive relationships between management and labor within the context of the legal environment governing labor relations. Topics include: the nature of the American workplace; the economic history of business organizations, the historical roots of labor-management relations; adversarial and cooperative approaches to labor relations; the legal framework of labor relations; employee-employer rights; collective bargaining and union organizing processes; union and nonunion grievance procedures; international labor relations; and the future of labor-management relations in a changing economy. Case studies, readings, and role-plays are used to simulate workplace applications in labor relations.

MGMT 2130

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Addresses the challenges of improving the performance and career potential of employees, while benefiting the student in their own preparation for success in the workplace. The focus is on both training and career and personal development. Shows the student how to recognize when training and development is needed and how to plan, design, and deliver an effective program of training for employees. Opportunities are provided for the student to develop their own career plans, assess their work-related skills, and practice a variety of skills desired by employers. Topics include: developing a philosophy of training; having systems approach to training and development; the context of training; conducting a needs analysis; critical success factors for employees: learning principles; designing and implementing training plans; conducting and evaluating training; human resource development and careers; personal career development planning; and applications in interpersonal relationships and communication.

XXXX xxxx Occupational Elective 3
Choose One of the Following (3 Hours) 3
MGMT 2205

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None This course focuses on supervision in the service sector with special emphasis on team building, quality management, and developing a customer focus. The challenge of providing world-class customer service is addressed through sections on principles of service industry supervision, career development, problem solving, stress management, and conflict resolution. Topics include: principles of service industry supervision, team building, customer service operations, TQM in a service environment, business software applications, communication in the service sector, introduction to information systems, selling principles and sales management, retail management, and legal issues in the service sector.

MGMT 2210

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Provides a basic understanding of project management functions and processes. Topics include: team selection and management; project planning, definition and scheduling of tasks; resource negotiation, allocation, and leveling; project control, monitoring, and reporting; computer tools for project planning and scheduling; managing complex relationships between project team and other organizations; critical path methodology; and total quality management.

MGMT 2220

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture – 0 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 9 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): ENGL 1010, MGMT 1100 Reinforcement of management, supervision, and employability principles in an actual job placement or through a practicum experience. Students are acquainted with occupational responsibilities through realistic work situations and are provided with insights into management and supervisory applications on the job. Topics include: problem solving, adaptability to the job setting, use of proper interpersonal skills, application of management and supervisory techniques, and professional development. The occupation-based instruction is implemented through the use of a practicum or internship and all of the following: written individualized training plans, written performance evaluation, and a required weekly seminar.

84S3 - Service Sector Management Specialization (12 hours) 12
MGMT 2130

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Addresses the challenges of improving the performance and career potential of employees, while benefiting the student in their own preparation for success in the workplace. The focus is on both training and career and personal development. Shows the student how to recognize when training and development is needed and how to plan, design, and deliver an effective program of training for employees. Opportunities are provided for the student to develop their own career plans, assess their work-related skills, and practice a variety of skills desired by employers. Topics include: developing a philosophy of training; having systems approach to training and development; the context of training; conducting a needs analysis; critical success factors for employees: learning principles; designing and implementing training plans; conducting and evaluating training; human resource development and careers; personal career development planning; and applications in interpersonal relationships and communication.

MGMT 2140

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): COMP 1000 Develops a working knowledge of managing a retail business from a variety of perspectives with an emphasis on store management. The emphasis is on contemporary issues in retailing, particularly the process of supervising customer service and dealing with the changing demographics of retailing. An application focus on the use of information technologies, the internet, and electronic retailing is intended to give the student hands-on experience in retail management. Topics include: strategic retail management; store, non-store, and nontraditional retailing; retail human resource management; developing a customer-focused service strategy; managing customer service; retail operations and financial management; merchandise management; buying and inventory management; global, cataloging, and electronic retail management, information technology applications in retailing.

MGMT 2205

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None This course focuses on supervision in the service sector with special emphasis on team building, quality management, and developing a customer focus. The challenge of providing world-class customer service is addressed through sections on principles of service industry supervision, career development, problem solving, stress management, and conflict resolution. Topics include: principles of service industry supervision, team building, customer service operations, TQM in a service environment, business software applications, communication in the service sector, introduction to information systems, selling principles and sales management, retail management, and legal issues in the service sector.

XXXX xxxx Occupational Elective 3
Program Chair

Business Management Program Coordinator
Valdosta Campus

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